Sleep is one of life’s most important things, yet so many people don’t seem to get as much sleep as they need. Sleep deprivation can be a huge problem, and it can affect your health in different ways. For one, research has shown that during sleep, the brain undergoes a process of clearing away waste materials. So if you don’t get enough sleep, those toxins stay in your brain. In turn, this would affect your performance during the day. To get that good night’s sleep you deserve, Dodow sleep aid offers a solution.
Struggling to sleep day in and day out? Beat insomnia with the innovative Dodow sleep aid. This is your ticket towards restful sleep without using sleeping pills.
What Causes People to Lose Sleep?
Many of us do not get the right amount of sleep that our bodies need each night. While some people have medical conditions, like insomnia, that make it hard to sleep, there are other reasons as well.
One of them is gadget use right before dozing off. The intense light coming out of your phone, tablet, or laptop keeps you awake at night. Even after you turn them off, falling asleep would be more difficult. Not to mention that your senses are still over-stimulated at that point.
Speaking of which, your other senses may affect sleep as well. Hearing random sounds that break the silence of the night is one thing. It rouses you out of a sleepy state and puts your brain on alert. If you’re one those people whose spouse is a snorer, you know how it feels (just don’t pick a fight over him/her over it). Other distractions may also exist, like lingering thoughts about the tasks you need to finish tomorrow.
The Smart Sleep Aid
Meet Dodow: It’s a small device the size of your palm that helps you fall asleep faster each night. You can put the Dodow sleep aid anywhere in your room, whether on your bedside table, on the bed itself, or on the headboard.
The Dodow sleep lamp works as a ‘light metronome’. It uses a pulsating light to help you control your breathing. This way, you can relax and go into a sleeping state more effectively. Dodow reviews have users raving that not only will you fall asleep faster, but you’ll also feel calmer and more rested once you wake up. That way, you won’t only get enough sleep, but better quality sleep. Being well-rested upon waking up the next day makes you feel more energised.
Build Quality and Ease of Use
Dodow reviews say the device comes in a very compact, disc-shaped design. It is just 11.4 cm across, about 5 cm thick, and weighs around 200 grams. In other words, you can easily hold it in one hand and put it anywhere.
While the product is made of plastic, it doesn’t feel cheap at all. The device is sturdy, and it can even survive a fall if you suddenly knock it over the edge of the table. The surface has a very simple all-white design that will fit in with any kind of furniture. It looks quite nondescript but has a futuristic feel at the same time.
If you turn the device over, what you see is a distinct blue-green battery cover. Take that out to replace the batteries inside. You need 3 AAA size batteries, and you don’t need to plug it into the wall to use it. That means no fumbling around with cables either.
Being battery powered might be a concern. You may be thinking of how often you need to change the batteries. But you’ll be glad to know that Dodo can last several nights before then.
How Does It Work?
The sleep aid projects a dim, blue LED light onto the ceiling, which gives you cues to control your breathing. As the light gets narrower, breathe in, then as it gets wider, breathe out. The pulses of light would then slow down until your breathing rate is down to 6 breaths per minute. This then activates the baroreflex, a physiological mechanism that regulates heart rate and blood pressure. With Dodow insomnia is avoided, and you get deeper, better sleep.
To use the device, make sure to put in 3 AAA batteries first, on its bottom side. Then turn the device over and wait a few seconds. The device would light up for a short while, indicating that the battery is in good condition. After that, you can set up the device.
The Dodow sleep light is essentially a touch-sensitive surface, which allows you to access two usage modes. One is for an 8-minute session, and another is for a 20-minute session. One tap activates the 8-minute mode, while two taps activate the 20-minute mode. After it turns on, look at the ceiling and just follow your breathing along with the pattern of the pulsating light. The light automatically shuts off after 8 or 20 minutes. By then, you will have already fallen asleep.
Benefits and Advantages
The Dodow sleep aid is great for anyone with trouble falling asleep. Even people suffering from insomnia can use it to help them get the rest they need. The controlled breathing that the device facilitates is a great way to get you to ease in and relax.
When you use Dodow UK, the visual cues force you to concentrate on your breathing and nothing else. Your attention is focused on the pulsating light instead of other distracting things around your room. That way, your brain and senses are not constantly bombarded with stimuli that keep you awake.
Dodow reviews suggest the sleep aid is also very portable. You can bring it wherever, which is great if you travel a lot. The device can even help you get your sleep patterns back to normal in case of jet lag.
Dodow Customer Review
Price and Money-Back Guarantee
In its official website, the device is listed at $80. However, there are two other pricing models: $120 for 2 items and $150 for 3 items. A $6 shipping fee is also included for all orders. If you have two friends or family members who also want one, the 3-device package is the best deal. In case you are not satisfied with the device, the manufacturer also offers a 100-day money-back guarantee.
But if you only need one sleep aid, Amazon offers it at only $60 a piece. You even get free shipping if you’re an Amazon Prime member.
Sleep is crucial to physical and mental wellness. If you’re having trouble falling asleep at night, consider the Dodow sleep aid to help you out. It is a very simple way to help you get a more restful night without sleeping pills. Though it may be a bit pricey, it’s arguably better than having to take medications all the time. In the long run, using Dodow even saves a lot of money.